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Awareness of hand hygiene is a critical safety practice in laboratories to prevent exposure to and spread of biological hazards, chemicals, radioactive materials, and other contaminants that may be present in the laboratory.  
Hand hygiene practices include:
  • Washing hands after work with hazardous materials, after removal of PPE, and before leaving the laboratory.
  • Using soap and clean, running water to wash your hands. Scrub your hands for at least 20 seconds, getting between your fingers, under your fingernails, and on the backs of your hands. Dry hands thoroughly with paper towels. 
  • Being mindful of others while in the laboratory. Remove gloves and wash hands before touching shared items such as keyboards, printers, or lab phones.
  • Disposable gloves, should be promptly removed and replaced when torn, soiled or compromised.
  • When removing PPE, maintaining proper technique is key to preventing exposure and cross-contamination.  See the guidance below for the proper glove removal technique:

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