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 A safe laboratory is one in which the PI or Laboratory Supervisor ensures the following training for personnel:

  1. Methods and observations that may be used to detect the presence or release of any hazardous materials in use (such as monitoring conducted by the employer, continuous monitoring devices, visual appearance or presence of odors when being released, etc.).
  2. The physical and health hazards of any hazardous materials in use or procedures used in the work area.
  3. The measures workers can take to protect themselves from these hazards, to include specific procedures the employer has implemented to protect workers from exposure to hazardous materials, such as appropriate work practices, emergency procedures, and personal protective equipment to be used.
  4. The applicable details of the written laboratory-specific Chemical Hygiene Plan/IBC Registration/IACUC Protocol/Radiation Safety Protocol, etc. 
The trainings listed below are required of all personnel working in labs conducting research at the University of Kentucky.  

Other trainings may be added for or by the lab that are provided by internal sources (i.e., UK Biosafety Training, UK Radiation Safety Training, other focused modules online or in-person), (i.e., hands-on training of specific procedures in the lab by the PI or Lab Supervisor, UK EHS online modules or in-person session) or external (i.e. CITI) sources. 

Documentation of this training shall be maintained in the laboratory's records and available upon request at time of inspection by internal university or external intenties.(e.g., Chemical Hygiene Plan)

Please be aware that students under the age of 18 who are not enrolled at the university are exempted from the requirement for completion of Fire Extinguisher training.

Job Activity
Safety Training Requirement
Training Method – Course Name
Training Frequency
Works in a laboratory

Fire Extinguisher Training




Laboratory Specific Training

Fire Extinguisher Training



Laboratory Specific Training

Laboratory-Specific Training Form





Once, a training record for every individual in the lab must be documented and kept on site in the lab.

Works with chemicals in the laboratory Chemical Hygiene Awareness Training

Initial Chemical Hygiene Awareness Training



Chemical Hygiene Annual Refresher Training

Initial training at the time of hire or before involvement in this activity.  Refresher training annually thereafter.
Works with chemicals requiring the use of a chemical fume hood as engineering control Chemical Fume Hood Training**

Chemical Fume Hood Training

Once, prior to beginning work in the chemical fume hood
Work  includes perfusion or other procedures using formaldehyde Formaldehyde Awareness Training

Formaldehyde Awareness Training

Once, prior to beginning work with formaldehyde
Work in the lab produces chemical waste Hazardous Waste Training

Hazardous Waste Training

Initial training at the time of hire or before involvement in this activity.  Refresher training annually thereafter.
Works with biohazards* in the laboratory

Biological Safety Training




Dual Use Research of Concern (DURC) Training  [Principal Investigators only] 

Biological Safety Training






Dual Use Research of Concern (DURC) Training

Initial training at the time of hire or before involvement in this activity.  Refresher training required every 3 years.





Works with biohazardous materials primarily associated with plants and/or plant pathogens (this course may be taken course in lieu of Biological Safety training.) Plant Biosafety Training

Plant Biosafety Training

Initial training at the time of hire or before involvement in this activity.  Refresher training required every 3 years.
Works with human blood, bodily fluids, cells and tissues in the laboratory Bloodborne Pathogens Training

Bloodborne Pathogens Training

Initial training at the time of hire or before involvement in this activity.  Refresher training annually thereafter.
Operates an autoclave as part of laboratory duties Autoclave Training

Autoclave Training

Utilizes recombinant technology/viral vectors in the laboratory Viral Vector Training

Viral Vector Training

Conducts procedures required to be performed in a biological safety cabinet (BSC)  Biological Safety Cabinet Training

Biological Safety Cabinet Training

Works with radioactive materials Radiation Safety Training

Initial Radiation Safety Training 

Register for this live training here




Basic Radiation Training 

Register for this live training here




Advanced Radiation Safety Training

Once (prior to beginning work)



Once (after completion of Initial Radiation Safety Training)



Once (prior to being approved as an Authorized User)

Works with x-ray producing devices X-ray Safety Training


Initial Analytical X-Ray Safety Training



Analytical X-ray Safety


 Live training is also available - register here

Once (prior to beginning work)




Works with Class IIIb or IV lasers Laser Safety Training

Laser Safety Training

Once (upon registration and prior to use of Class IIIb or IV lasers)
Works with materials or conducts procedures requiring the use of respiratory protection*** Respirator Training

Respirator Use Training

Initially, prior to beginning work, then annually thereafter
Work includes shipment of dangerous goods off site.    Dangerous good as defined by the U.S> Department of Transportation include explosives, compressed gases, flammable liquids and gases, corrosives, oxidizers, reactives, acute toxins, infectious substances and radioactive materials DOT/IATA Training

DOT/IATA Training



DOT/IATA Recertification Training






Every two years from date of initial training

Work procedures involve the use of Uranyl Acetate and/or Thorium Uranyl Acetate and Thorium Awareness

Uranyl Acetate and Thorium Awareness



*Biohazardous materials may include but are not limited to

  • Recombinant nucleic acid molecules (ex. plasmids with inserts, viral vectors, etc.)
  • Synthetic nucleic acid molecules, including those that are chemically or otherwise modified but can base pair with naturally occurring nucleic acid molecules (ex. antisense oligonucleotides)
  • Whole animals and plants with introduced recombinant or synthetic nucleic acid molecules
  • Cells, organisms, and viruses containing recombinant or synthetic nucleic acid molecules
  • Infectious agents (bacterial, viral, fungal, parasitic, or prion) affecting humans, animals or plants
  • Infected animal blood and/or tissues
  • Human blood, blood products, or fluids
  • Human derived cell lines or tissues (including commercially acquired immortal cell lines)
  • Live vaccines


**Not required at this time, but strongly encouraged


*** Respirator users shall be enrolled in a Respiratory Protection Program for this work.  Please contact UK Occupational Health and Safety (859.257.2924) for more information.