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Special Animal Safety Protocol


The Special Animal Safety Protocol (SASP) Program establishes procedures so animal handlers are well-informed regarding: 

  1. Any particularly hazardous chemical or biological materials present in amounts that have the potential to adversely affect human health.
  2. The signs or symptoms of potential exposure and precautionary measures to protect against it.
  3. The specific engineering/administrative controls and personal protective equipment (PPE) that are to be utilized by Researchers and DLAR staff to protect against exposure to particularly hazardous substances.
sasp poster

SASP Example

Keeping You Safe

The Special Animal Safety Protocol (SASP) is a document designed to quickly give you important information when you need it!

Whether the hazardous agent is a human pathogen or harmful chemical, a SASP for each agent administered to the experimental animal(s) will be found in the service binder located in the room --right where the animal is housed!

A SASP provides quick info for:

  • PI and emergency contact information
  • Characteristics of the agent and symptoms of exposure
  • Minimum PPE required.*
  • Required procedures, equipment, and disposal for working with these animals.

    *According to Best Practices and DLAR Husbandry.  Specific SOPs may require additional PPE.


So How Will You Know If An Animal You Are Handling Has Had Hazardous Agents Administered to Them?

Look for the ORANGE Hazardous Agent Awareness Card affixed to the animal's cage.

The above information will also be useful in the case of an injury or incident with the animal. Remember, if any incident or injury occurs, report it to your supervisor regardless of severity!

If an exposure to a hazardous agent should occur, please keep the following in mind:

1. Stay calm. Secure any animals.

2. Doff PPE and follow first aid procedures.

3. If an animal was involved, please make note of its cage card, PI owner, and status.

4. Report your injury to your supervisor and, if needed, proceed to UHS for medical attention.*

5. If the accident results in exposure to infectious agents or recombinant materials, the supervisor should immediately report incident to the Department of Biological Safety.

*For life threatening injuries, call 911 or proceed immediately to the Emergency Department of UK Chandler Hospital.


Questions or concerns about the SASP Program may be directed to Melissa Hollifield, UK Animal Research Compliance Manager at (859)-218-5416, or
