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Laboratory Incident Response



As part of the university’s Occupational Health Program, the opportunity for Laboratory Workers to receive medical evaluation must be provided under the following circumstances:  

  • If an employee develops any symptoms thought to arise from exposure to a hazardous chemical.  Please note: Individuals exhibiting the acute onset of symptoms due to known exposure should seek immediate medical attention.  
  • After an incident such as a spill, leak or explosion which may have resulted in an exposure.  
  • When an over exposure is identified through evaluation or assessment. 
  • There is an existing medical surveillance program in place for the work conducted. 

Any medical examination required from the above listed situations must be provided without cost to the employee, without loss of pay and at a reasonable time and place. Records of any medical examination will be maintained at the medical facility providing service or with appropriate medical personnel at the University.  


All workplace incidents, and workplace acquired injuries or illnesses sustained by UK personnel shall be reported by the Principal Investigator/Laboratory Supervisor to Workers Care by calling (800) 440-6285.


UK students may contact University Health Services (859) 323-APPT during business hours, or (859) 323-5321 after business hours, on weekends or holidays.

Biological Spill SOP

  1. Alert people in immediate areas of the spill.
  2. Don appropriate protective equipment.
  3. Cover the spill with paper towels or other absorbent materials.
  4. Carefully pour a freshly prepared 1:10 dilution of household bleach around the edges of the spill and into the spill. Avoid splashing. Allow 20 minute contact period.
  5. Use paper towels to wipe up the spill, working from the edges into the center.
  6. Clean spill area with fresh paper towels soaked in disinfectant.
  7. Place paper towels into a biohazard bag for disposal.

Need a Biological Spill Kit?

Email to request a free biological spill kit!

Centrifuge Malfunction SOP

In case of leaks/spill or centrifuge malfunction, follow the steps below. 

  • Turn off the centrifuge and unplug the power cord. 
  • Alert personnel nearby to leave the area. Post signage warning personnel of a centrifuge malfunction and Do Not Enter. 
  • Allow 30 minutes for aerosols to settle. 
  • Don appropriate PPE (lab coat, gloves, and face shield) prior to opening the centrifuge (carefully) to assess damage. 
  • Cover all interior surfaces of the centrifuge with an efficacious disinfectant and allow appropriate contact time (ex. 10% bleach for 20 minutes). 
  • Transport (carefully) centrifuge rotors/buckets/cups to the nearest available BSC to open containers. - Use a sturdy cart for transport. 
  • Disinfect contents with an efficacious disinfectant (as described above). 
  • Remove materials for proper decontamination (ex. autoclave) and disposal. 
  • DO NOT use your hands to pickup any sharp materials. Use forceps to safely remove broken/damaged items.
  • Sharps materials should be disposed of in a designated sharps container.  
  • Non-sharp solid materials should be disposed of in an orange/clear autoclave bag for autoclaving and disposal.

First Aid

In case of laceration, cut, or puncture:

  • Stop the bleeding by applying gentle pressure to the wound.
  • Clean the wound with water.
  • Apply antibiotic and cover wound with dressing.

In case of needlestick:

  • Rinse area with soap and water.
  • Do not attempt to squeeze blood from wound.

In case of exposure to biohazardous materials:

  • If there is a splash or contact with biohazardous materials, wash area with warm water and soap.
  • If there is a splash to eyes, flush area with tepid water in emergency eyewash and/or shower.
  • Remove contaminated clothing or equipment.
  • Exit area of exposure.


  • Stay calm! Secure any animals or infectious materials.
  • Doff PPE and follow first-aid procedures.
  • If an animal was involved, note its cage card, PI/owner, and status (ex. infected with infectious agent X).
  • Report your injury/incident to your supervisor and, if needed, proceed to UHS for medical attention.
    • Call 911 or proceed immediately to the UK Chandler Emergency Department for life threatening injuries.
  • Report incidents involving biohazardous materials to the UK Biological Safety Officer (859-257-1073).

Incident Reporting

All workplace incidents, and workplace acquired injuries or illnesses sustained by UK personnel shall be reported by the Principal Investigator/Laboratory Supervisor to Workers Care by calling (800) 440-6285. 


UK students may contact University Health Services (859) 323-APPT during business hours, or (859) 323-5321 after business hours, on weekends or holidays. 


Unsafe working conditions or “near-miss” incidents (incidents not resulting in injury or release of hazardous material) is encouraged to be reported to UK Occupational Health and Safety at: 

Incidents involving Biohazardous Materials

Incidents involving biohazardous materials must be immediately reported to the UK Biological Safety Officer (859-257-1073).

In compliance with the NIH Guidelines for Research Involving Recombinant or Synthetic Nucleic Acid Molecules, the University of Kentucky, as a recipient of NIH funds, must "report any significant problems, violations of the NIH Guidelines, or any significant research-related accidents or illnesses".


This includes any "spills, accidents, or other incidents that result in breach of containment, environmental release or exposures to laboratory or other research personnel or animals to viruses, cells or organisms containing recombinant or synthetic nucleic acid molecules". These events may include "overt exposures..., the escape of improper disposition of a transgenic animal, or spills of high-risk recombinant or synthetic nucleic materials occurring outside of a biosafety cabinet". An overt exposure may include (but is not limited to): skin punctures with needles, cuts, animal bites or scratches, and direct contact with mucosal membranes (e.g. eye splash).

Incident Follow-Up

UK Department of Research Safety staff may reach out to you after an incident/injury with questions. Follow-up reporting to relevant regulatory agencies may be required.