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Autoclaves, also known as steam sterilizers, use a combination of wet heat, pressure, and time to sterilize materials. Autoclaving is one of the most common methods of sterilization utilized. Autoclaves are found across University of Kentucky (UK) campus and are used to sterilize lab glassware, media, and other laboratory supplies, as well as decontaminate biohazardous waste prior to disposal. The total time, temperature, and pressure necessary for sterilization depends on the materials to be sterilized and how they are packaged and loaded into the autoclave, however general cycle parameters for biohazardous waste that must be met are a temperature of 121°C at 15 psi of saturated steam for a minimum of 20 minutes. The total processing time of an autoclave cycle used to process biohazardous waste shall be between 60-120 minutes.  


Any autoclave in use at the University of Kentucky must be inspected as to their construction, installation, and condition and certified as a pressure vessel as required by KRS 236.110.  Calibration services should be completed by the manufacturer on all new autoclave units, and documentation of this performance shall be maintained with the maintenance records for the unit. To verify calibration, a monthly biological indicator verification shall be completed prior to processing biohazardous waste in the unit.  


All autoclave units utilized for decontamination of biohazardous waste materials must be enrolled in the UK Autoclave Verification Program (AVP).

Types of Autoclave

Wet or saturated steam penetrates objects in the autoclave. Condensation creates negative pressure and draws in additional steam. As steam condenses, it transfers heat to the objects in the autoclave and causes cell destruction via coagulation of proteins. Autoclaves can be classified into two different types: gravity displacement and vacuum displacement. Both types can be found on UK campus.

Gravity Displacement – In a gravity displacement autoclave, steam enters the top or side of the chamber and, because steam is lighter than air, it forces the air out of the bottom of the chamber through a drain vent. It is very important that all valves are clear and unobstructed, and the chamber not overfilled for this system to function efficiently. A gravity displacement autoclave can be thought of as a pressure cooker type of system. These often require longer cycle times to achieve sterilization

Vacuum Displacement – In a vacuum displacement autoclave, a vacuum removes cold air from the chamber prior to the introduction of steam. This allows for nearly instantaneous steam penetration into even porous loads. Vacuum displacement autoclaves typically have two sterilization cycles – 1) fast exhaust or high vacuum cycles which is suitable for sterilization of dry materials, and 2) slow exhaust or pressure pulsing which is suitable for sterilization of liquids such that liquids do not bubble out and evaporate during the cycle.

Autoclave Operation

Before utilizing any autoclave, verify that materials are safe for autoclaving: 

  • CAN be autoclaved – surgical instruments, bottles, beakers, and other laboratory glassware, plastic tubes, pipettes, pipette tips, water and culture media, animal cage waste, potentially biohazardous laboratory waste such as discarded cultures, stocks, tissues, gloves, etc. 
  • CANNOT be autoclaved – Volatile or corrosive chemicals, red bag waste or regulated medical waste, radioactive materials, sharps containers 

If autoclaving potentially biohazardous waste, ensure that the autoclave you are using is marked “Designated for Biohazardous Waste.” Autoclaves designated for biohazardous waste are enrolled in the UK Autoclave Verification Program (AVP).

Autoclave Designated for Biohazardous Waste Sign

Only CLEAR or ORANGE autoclave bags, marked with the universal biohazard symbol, should be utilized for solid biohazardous waste. Red bags are designated for Regulated Medical Waste (RMW) ONLY and should NEVER be autoclaved.  

Loading the autoclave: 

  • Prepare autoclave load to allow for steam penetration (bags, bottles NOT tightly sealed). 
  • Leak proof tray must be utilized for transport to autoclave facility. 
  • Materials for autoclaving should be placed in a secondary container capable of withstanding autoclave temperatures, such as a stainless-steel tray or polypropylene bin. 
  • Do not overfill containers or bags. 
  • Do not leave potentially biohazardous waste unattended.  
  • Load material to allow for steam penetration. Do not crowd items in autoclave. Do not allow material(s) to be autoclaved to touch the sides or top of the autoclave chamber. 
  • Clean items and biohazardous waste should be autoclaved separately. 
  • Visually inspect to ensure autoclave is functioning properly before use. 
  • Record information in User Log for the load you are processing. 
  • For autoclaves without automated documentation, a chemical integrator must be incorporated into each load of biohazardous waste. Email to request free chemical integrator strips.
  • Close and properly secure door. 
  • Choose the appropriate cycle for your materials. 
  • Biohazardous waste is typically processed at a temperature of 121°C and 15 psi steam pressure with an exposure time of 20 minutes on slow exhaust/liquid cycle. Total processing time should be 60-120 minutes. 
  • A combination of chemical inactivation and autoclaving is necessary for materials known or suspected to contain prions. Please contact the Biosafety Officer if you will be generating prion-containing waste in your research. 
  • Responsible Individuals should provide training to users on cycle parameters and what types of cycles are appropriate for various materials. Cycles can vary depending on the autoclave model. 

Unloading the autoclave: 

  • Allow autoclave cycle to finish before attempting to open the door or unload. Pressure gauge must read zero. 
  • Verify cycle conditions were met on autoclave readout or by visualization of chemical integrator. 
  • Wear appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) including lab coat, eye protection, closed-toe shoes, and heat-resistant gloves. 
  • Record cycle result in user log. If using a chemical integrator, tape the autoclaved strip to the user log. 

Autoclave malfunction:

  • If the cycle did not meet appropriate operating conditions or aborted, repeat the cycle. If the cycle fails again, notify the Responsible Individual immediately so that autoclave may be repaired in a timely manner. 
  • Remove waste to an alternate autoclave which has been validated with a biological indicator until repairs are complete and autoclave verified by biological indicator. 

Autoclave Training

For the Responsible Individual:

  • For new autoclaves, model specific autoclave training from the manufacturer (or manufacturer approved contractor) must be completed by personnel responsible for autoclave maintenance. A representative from the Office of Biological Safety, Department of Research Safety, should also be present. 
  • For existing autoclaves, the previous Responsible Individual will provide training to the new Responsible Individual. Alternatively, an autoclave repair technician or manufacturer approved contractor will be contracted to provide training. 
  • UK Autoclave Verification Program (AVP) training will be provided by the Office of Biological Safety, Department of Research Safety.  

For Autoclave Users: 

  • The Responsible Individual or their designee will train all users on standard operating procedures specific to the autoclave unit(s) being used.  
  • ALL autoclave users must complete Autoclave Training, available in the SciShield Course Directory -

New Autoclaves

Before newly installed autoclaves may be used for decontamination of biohazardous waste at UK, the following conditions must be fulfilled:

Inspection & Certification as a Pressure Vessel

  • Performed by Boiler Inspection Section of the Kentucky State Fire Marshal’s Office as required by KRS 236.110.
  • Each boiler or pressure vessel used or proposed to be used within the state of Kentucky, except boilers or pressure vessels exempt under KRS 236.060, shall be thoroughly inspected as to their construction, installation, and condition.

Initial Autoclave Verification

  • Calibration services shall be completed by the manufacturer on all new autoclave units. Documentation of this calibration shall be maintained with the maintenance records for each unit.
  • Calibration must be verified via biological indicator testing and enrolled in the UK Autoclave Verification Program (AVP) prior to processing potentially biohazardous waste in the unit.

Autoclave Maintenance

Autoclave operation and maintenance manuals shall be maintained by the Responsible Individual or “owner” and provided to service technicians as needed during preventive maintenance and repair activities as needed. Preventive maintenance shall be performed according to the manufacturer’s suggested procedures and schedules. The Responsible Individual must maintain a log of all maintenance activities for each autoclave. Following any significant maintenance activity or repair, the autoclave must be verified by biological indicator prior to processing potentially biohazardous waste in the unit. 

Definitions and Acronyms

Biohazardous Waste: Solid and/or liquid waste that contains or has been in contact with infectious agents, potentially infectious materials, or recombinant/synthetic nucleic acid materials. This may include waste from tissue culture, pipets, flasks, gloves, tips, tips, plates, etc. Any disposable laboratory items that have been in contact with or contain materials which could be potentially infectious to humans, animals, or plants.

Biological Indicator (BI): Test system that contains viable microorganisms with a defined resistance to a specific sterilization process. Designed to verify that the necessary conditions (time, temperature, pressure) were met to kill a specific number of microorganisms for a particular sterilization process.

Chemical Integrator: Test system consisting of a paper wick and steam and temperature sensitive chemicals that undergo a color change when cycle parameters are met. Designed to provide a quick visual confirmation that autoclave cycle parameters were met. NOT a substitute for Biological Indicators (BIs).

Mixed Waste: Waste material that is contaminated with a combination of chemical, biological, and/or radiological hazards. Special consideration must be given to the disposal of this type of waste. Autoclaving is often NOT appropriate for mixed waste.

Regulated Medical Waste (RMW): Pathological waste. Gross specimens of human tissues or organs and large volumes (>500mL) of human blood. Special consideration must be given to the disposal of this type of waste. Incineration is typically required.

Responsible Individual: The individual, designated by the Department or Facility owner of the autoclave facility, tasked with ensuring verification, recordkeeping, preventive maintenance, and training for autoclave facility equipment. Each autoclave on campus should have a designated Responsible Individual.

Verification: Process involving a biological challenge to ensure an autoclave is performing to an appropriate standard to effectively inactivate biohazardous waste. Autoclaves utilized for decontaminating biohazardous waste must be verified monthly.

Autoclave Verification Program

The UK Autoclave Verification Program (AVP) ensures that biohazardous waste is appropriately decontaminated prior to final landfill disposal. Ensuring that our autoclaves are functioning properly helps keep everyone safe AND keeps research moving forward.

ANY autoclave used to decontaminate biohazardous waste MUST be enrolled in the UK AVP. 

Read on below for UK AVP requirements.

Autoclave Verification Program


The UK Autoclave Verification Program (AVP) is designed to ensure that all biohazardous waste processed via autoclave on UK campus is properly decontaminated prior to final deposition in landfill. It requires monthly testing of the ability of campus autoclaves designated for biohazardous waste to kill microorganisms. ALL autoclaves on UK campuses that are utilized for decontamination of biohazardous waste MUST be enrolled in the UK Autoclave Verification Program. There are two components to the UK Autoclave Verification Program – verification of load parameters for each cycle of biohazardous waste AND monthly verification via biological indicator testing.  


  • For autoclaves enrolled in the UK AVP and designated for biohazardous waste, signage must be posted or otherwise labeled to communicate to autoclave users that the unit is “Designated for Biohazardous Waste.” This signage/label must also list the Responsible Individual such that users know who to contact in the event of autoclave failure/malfunction.  

Autoclave Designated for Biohazardous Waste Sign

  • For autoclaves not enrolled or designated for biohazardous waste, signage must be posted or otherwise labeled to communicate to autoclave users that the unit is not suitable for decontamination of biohazardous and/or potentially infectious waste. Glassware, liquids, and other laboratory items may be sterilized in these units, but they are not suitable for decontamination of biohazardous waste. This signage/label must also list the Responsible Individual such that users know who to contact in the event of autoclave failure/malfunction.  

Autoclave No Biohazards

The UK Office of Biological Safety, Department of Research Safety, will provide signage upon request. 



Autoclaves with automated documentation of load parameters –  

  • Review the printed report at end of cycle to ensure cycle parameters were met.
  • If conditions were met, initial, date, and place User Log number on the printed report. 
  • Temperature between 121°C-124°C
  • Total processing time between 60-120 minutes
  • Exposure time >20 minutes
  • Pressure minimum 15 psi 

Autoclaves without automated documentation of load parameters –  

  • A chemical integrator must be incorporated into each load of biohazardous waste to provide visual confirmation (color change) that cycle parameters were met.
  • The UK Office of Biological Safety, Department of Research Safety, will provide 3M ATTEST 1243B Steam Chemical Integrators (or equivalent chemical integrators) to all Responsible Individuals, as needed for biohazardous waste.
  • Once completed, tape the autoclaved chemical integrator strip into the appropriate section of the User Log for your load. 


  • Checks all conditions of autoclave cycle (time, temperature, pressure) are met and verifies ability of autoclave to kill microorganisms. 
  • The UK Office of Biological Safety, Department of Research Safety, will provide a 3M ATTEST Auto-reader 390 incubator, 3M ATTEST 1296 Rapid Readout Biological Indicator Steam Packs, and Biological Indicator controls (or equivalent BI testing system and supplies) to all Responsible Individuals for monthly autoclave verification.
  • Monthly verification records must be maintained by the Responsible Individual and kept for five (5) years. Records can be maintained via logbook, or preferably via enrolling in the UK Office of Biological Safety, Department of Research Safety, online record keeping system.  



  • 250°F (121°C) gravity system sterilization cycles (more than or equal to) 40 minutes
  • 270°F (132°C) vacuum assisted steam sterilization cycles (more than or equal to) 4 minutes


  1. Place 3M ATTEST 1296 Rapid Readout Biological Indicator Steam Pack (with label side up) in a full load in the most challenging area (typically bottom shelf, near door and over drain).
  2. Process load as usual.
  3. Turn on the Auto-Reader 390. Unit must warm-up for 30 minutes before use.
  4. After completion & load has cooled, retrieve steam pack using heat-resistant gloves.
  5. Check to see process indicator on steam pack has changed from yellow to brown (or darker).
  6. Open steam pack & allow 5 minutes to cool before removing BI.
  7. Allow BI to cool outside steam pack for additional 10 minutes.
  8. Remove record keeping sheet from steam pack and check to see chemical indicator has changed from yellow to brown (or darker).
  9. Fill out top portion of record keeping sheet.
  10. Once BI has cooled (10 minutes), slip coil off BI vial.
  11. Check to see the chemical indicator on the BI vial has changed from rose to brown/black.
  12. Label BI vial accordingly.
  13. While wearing safety glasses, close the cap of the BI by pushing cap down.
  14. Using the crusher well built into the top of the 3M ATTEST Auto-Reader 390, CRUSH the glass media ampoule.
  15. Holding the BI vial by the cap, tap the bottom of the vial on a hard surface until media wet spore strip located at the bottom of BI vial.
  16. Place crushed BI vial in the correct, color-coded incubation well. (Brown cap BI goes in brown well.)
  17. Don't forget to include a positive control. Write "C" and the date on the positive control BI vial.
  18. Record BI results on steam pack Record Keeping Sheet & update log with results.


Contact UK Biosafety at

You'll need the following information ready to enroll... 

  • Autoclave Serial Number
  • Autoclave Name (if applicable)
  • Building
  • Room Number
  • Date of BI Test
  • BI Test Result (pass/fail)
  • Responsible Individual (can select >1)
  • Picture of completed record keeping sheet


Once you have enrolled each autoclave as described on the previous page, you will be prompted to update each record form monthly via email. 

Email will arrive with subject line "UK Autoclave Verification Update". 

Once you have completed that month's biological verification, click "Open Update Form". 

Update the BI test date, the BI test result (pass/fail), and upload a picture of this month's record keeping sheet. 

If your autoclave(s) is out of order/down for maintenance, select "Out of Order" from the Pass/Fail menu. 

The system will reset according to the Test Date.

Autoclave Verification