University of Kentucky Department of Research Safety policy and best practices stipulate that an accurate chemical inventory, to be reviewed and updated no less than annually, is required for each location that stores chemicals with the following characteristics:
•Carcinogenic or otherwise harmful to human health
•Harmful to the environment
•Liquids and gases under pressure, including liquid nitrogen tanks and compressed air cylinders
These materials are identified by both their container and chemical manufacturer-provided SDS. All hazardous chemicals shipped after June 1, 2015, are required to be labeled with specified elements including GHS pictograms, signal words and hazard and precautionary statements (er the OSHA Hazard Communication Standard (29 CFR 1910.1200. GHS Pictograms may be seen here: GHS Pictograms
If the original stock container for a chemical in the lab does not display the GHS pictograms, they were shipped prior to June 1, 2015 and shall be evaluated for expiration date and/or any signs of compromised integrity. Labs are encouraged to promptly submit waste tickets for removal of these items via the E-Trax system.