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Attention Researchers! Guidance for a Smooth Transition of Data


Your voices have been heard and we are pleased to announce the arrival of new chemical inventory software, which includes retrievable SDS and other enhanced features to make the system intuitive and easy to use!  

Beginning in February 2025 laboratory personnel will notice the "ChemTracker" chemical inventory module available in the SciShield system .   Early adopters will receive assistance in the transfer/upload of their data into the system.  To receive this assistance, we ask labs to review the information below.  For laboratories not responding to this request for data, we will eventually have instructions available on our website for labs to import their own data.  

Directions for successfully transferring your existing chemical inventory into ChemTracker (facilitated by the Department of Research Safety):

  1.  For chemical inventory to be uploaded into the new ChemTracker system, a spreadsheet must be specifically formatted.  A special ChemTracker formatted spreadsheet has been provided by SciShield to use for this purpose. It can be accessed with UK Linkblue credentials here:  SciShield - ChemTracker Module Import Sheet - Copy.xlsx .  Before proceeding, please ensure the directions outlined on the first tab on the bottom of the sheet are read and understood.
  2. Download your current inventory from CHEMATIX (retrieve existing inventory records, if other software is used).  Directions for downloading inventory from CHEMATIX is as follows:
    1. Log into CHEMATIX (
    2. Under the orange "Inventory" tab at the top of the page, under "Manage Lab Inventory", select "Manage My Inventory".
    3. Select and place a check in the box next to the lab inventory to be downloaded and then click the "Email Active Lab Inventory" button.  A spreadsheet of the selected chemical inventory will be emailed within 5 minutes. This spreadsheet must be reviewed for accuracy before proceeding.
  3. After carefully reading the directions on the first tab of the ChemTracker spreadsheet, cut and paste inventory information from your existing chemical inventory into the ChemTracker formatted spreadsheet.  Please be aware that all information/columns do not have to be completed for all chemicals to be transferred into the system. At the very least a chemical name OR CAS# is required, as well as the "Group Name" (columns A, B, and C).    The "Group Name" is the name of the lab as it is listed on the lab's profile page in SciShield (e.g., "Miller Lab" or "Mass Spectroscopy Core").  It is at this time that the lab will want to ensure any prior errors are corrected on the ChemTracker sheet before forwarding to our office for upload by SciShield.  The information submitted to us will be uploaded into the system.  Any storage locations, manufacturer part numbers, etc. may be added at this time, if desired, to be reflected in the upload.
  4. Once chemical inventory information is transferred into the ChemTracker formatted spreadsheet, please submit it HERE:
To receive assistance with data migration into the new system, labs must submit their ChemTracker formatted sheets by end of business day, February 11, 2025.   


Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Is it mandatory for all the labs to transfer the chemical inventory into the ChemTracker or they could continue using Quartzy if they choose so?

A: For regulatory reporting and requirements of emergency first responders, laboratories are required to upload the laboratory's inventory into ChemTracker and update it on an annual basis.

Q: When I try to access the ChemTracker formatted sheet, it says I need approval.  I cannot access this sheet!
A:  Please note that if one is not logged into Microsoft OneDrive, SharePoint, or Outlook when attempting to access the sheet, this will be the result.  For users who cannot manage to access this sheet, please send a request to  and a copy will be emailed to you.
Q:  Can we keep using CHEMATIX instead?
A:  Our team's support for this software will be ending and our team will not be able to troubleshoot future issues.  A copy of the inventory must still be uploaded into SciShield ChemTracker. 
Q: Can you help us transfer/upload data from CHEMATIX into ChemTracker?
A: Yes, we will help transfer/upload the info into the system for you.   The only thing needed is for you to cut and paste relevant inventory information from the previously forwarded Chematix sheet into the attached ChemTracker formatted sheet.  Do not delete or rearrange any columns or areas of the ChemTracker sheet.  Once finished with this transfer of info into the Chemtracker sheet, save it, and submit it at this link:

Q: What if we have groups that share inventory?

A: You can list all shared inventory labs in the Group Name Field.


Q: I have inventory that is labeled as packs/boxes. What do I put for those in the Units section?

A: We recommend using "unit" if you have bulk items.  This will be accepted by the new system.


Q: Can we use catalog numbers for the Product Number field?

A: Yes, you can use the "Product Number" field to list your catalog numbers. This is the information intended for this column.


Q: Can I add a column to add a field in the ChemTracker spreadsheet?

A: You cannot add any additional columns to the sheet.  If there is supplementary information that you'd like to be associated with inventory items, you can list it in the "Notes" field.

Please send any questions regarding this process to

What Items are to be Inventoried

University of Kentucky Department of Research Safety policy and best practices stipulate that an accurate chemical inventory, to be reviewed and updated no less than annually, is required for each location that stores chemicals with the following characteristics:

•Carcinogenic or otherwise harmful to human health
•Harmful to the environment
•Liquids and gases under pressure, including liquid nitrogen tanks and compressed air cylinders

These materials are identified by both their container and chemical manufacturer-provided SDS. All hazardous chemicals shipped after June 1, 2015, are required to be labeled with specified elements including GHS pictograms, signal words, and hazard and precautionary statements per the OSHA Hazard Communication Standard (29 CFR 1910.1200. GHS Pictograms may be seen here: GHS Pictograms

If the original stock container for a chemical in the lab does not display the GHS pictograms, they were shipped prior to June 1, 2015 and shall be evaluated for expiration date and/or any signs of compromised integrity. Labs are encouraged to promptly submit waste tickets for removal of these items via the E-Trax system.

The following items are not required to be listed in your chemical inventory:

  • Etiologic agents (bacteria, viruses, select agents, and toxins)
  • Radioactive materials (unless mixed with hazardous chemicals)
  • Biological culture media, agar, serum proteins, albumin
  • Enzyme preparations
  • Non-hazardous buffers
  • Commercial food, drugs, and cosmetics, covered by the FDA
  • Commercially packaged drugs in solid, final form (tablets, pills) for direct administration
  • Pre-packed test kits for medical labs
  • Materials to be used within 1-2 days (“working solutions”)
  • Retail products used and stored in amounts and frequencies typical to ordinary household usage.

Chemical Inventory is required to be updated annually!

Chemical storage areas shall be visually inspected at least annually for the removal of expired chemicals or those no longer needed for active research. Chemical containers shall also be checked for structural integrity, and if compromised, either transferred to a compatible container or, if needed, disposed of by contacting Environmental Quality Management (EQMD) at (859)-323-6280.  The laboratory’s chemical inventory for the space shall be updated as needed and/or reconciled, at a minimum, once a year.

While some laboratories have opted to utilize alternative systems to document their inventories, we require the lab’s inventory to be submitted into ChemTracker (within the SciShield system) every year in conjunction with the Lab Safety Inspection. This furthers compliance by keeping accurate totals of hazardous material storage within acceptable regulatory limits, informs our first responders in the event of an emergency, and facilitates prompt chemical waste pickup.