Chemical hood systems shall be designed to protect laboratory workers and to ensure that hazardous chemical vapors originating from laboratory operations shall not be recirculated. The use of variable air volume systems is preferred. Additional requirements include:
UK Occupational Health and Safety Chemical Fume Hood Guide
UK Chemical Fume Hood Training
If perchloric acid is to be used above ambient temperature or at concentrations above 72%, separate specifically designed hoods must be provided including separate exhaust system with a water wash down system.
Ductless hoods which filter air (through HEPA or charcoal filters) then discharge the filtered air back into the laboratory may not be used without approval of the directors of Environmental Management and Occupational Health and Safety.
Air cleaning devices are not generally required for laboratory fume hoods, and may not be used without approval of the directors of Environmental Management and Occupational Health & Safety departments.
See guidelines and standards related to HVAC.
Approved by UK Design Guidelines & Technical Standards Committee June 18, 1998.