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This policy applies to all “wet lab” research and teaching spaces which store, handle or otherwise utilize biological, chemical, and radiological hazards.

This includes but is not limited to the following: laboratory support rooms, makerspaces, or shops where work with any of the aforementioned materials has the potential to contaminate work surfaces, release airborne particles, mists or vapors, or otherwise spread materials with or without knowledge of personnel or others in the area.

  • Eating, drinking, gum chewing, applying cosmetics, and taking medicine in research or teaching labs are strictly prohibited. Food, beverages, cups, and other drinking and eating utensils intended for human use shall not be washed or stored in these areas.
  • Human food or drink intended for research purposes must be labeled with the words "Not for human consumption".
  • Storage of food and drink intended for human consumption shall not, under any circumstances, be stored in refrigerators, freezers, or temperature-controlled rooms where hazardous chemicals, biohazardous materials or biological specimens, or radioactive materials are stored or used.

This policy was created based on OSHA 29 CFR 1910.141 (g)(2), the American Chemical Society’s Safety Guidelines for Academic Laboratories, the Centers for Disease and Control’s Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories, the National Research Council of the National Academies’ Prudent Practices in the Laboratory and benchmarking with other national academic and research institutions.

Many university facilities were not originally designed to provide areas for personnel to safely eat and drink. Departments are strongly encouraged to provide research personnel with suitable break areas for eating and drinking outside of laboratories. This furthers the interest of health and safety and reduces the potential liability for accidental exposure to these materials.

Guidance for Wet Labs Requesting Exemption

Researchers who feel they have no option but to use an area of a wet lab space for the consumption or storage of food and drink intended for human use, may request a formal documented exemption from this policy by contacting Only documented exemptions issued by UK Research Safety are valid.


Areas that may be used for eating and drinking must be discrete space, separated from the wet laboratory space by walls extending from floor to ceiling and a closeable door.

If the designated eating area is accessed within the primary lab, signage shall be posted on the entry door to the space prohibiting laboratory materials and/or PPE (i.e., lab coats, disposable gloves).

Designated eating areas shall adhere to sound hygienic principles and protect against contamination. Personnel must remain vigilant to wash hands after work with materials has ended, PPE is removed, and before entering.


*Hazardous chemicals are those with the following characteristics and are identified by both their container and chemical manufacturer's provided SDS.     GHS Pictograms may be seen here: GHS Pictograms :
Carcinogenic or otherwise harmful to human health
• Corrosive
• Flammable
• Harmful to the environment
• Liquids and gases under pressure, including liquid nitrogen tanks and compressed air cylinders
• Oxidizing
• Reactive