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Before approval is issued:

1) Complete the UK Division of Risk Management’s “Assumption of Risk and Waiver of Liability” form, including the signature of the minor student and their legal guardian. This form may be accessed here.

2) Complete a UK Department of Research Safety “Safety of Minors in Research” form. This form may be accessed here.

3) Students and any lab personnel providing mentorship or to be shadowed shall complete the following required trainings before approval will be issued for the student beginning work in the laboratory:
Chemical Hygiene Plan/Laboratory Safety-General Awareness 

Hazardous Waste 

Biological Safety (if applicable) 

Bloodborne Pathogens (if applicable)

 • Laser Safety (if applicable)

Completion of these online training modules requires a UK Linkblue account for log in. Instructions for requesting a UK Linkblue account are available online here. The “authorized requester” described in the instructions is usually the laboratory’s departmental business officer. Researchers from large departments should be aware that some wait time may be required before UK Linkblue credentials are authorized and processed. It is recommended that the process for UK Linkblue access be started consecutively with the submission of the Safety of Minors in Research form to prevent unnecessary delay in approval for the minor student to begin work in the laboratory.

4) Submit both the Waiver of Liability and Safety of Minors in Research form to the Department of Research Safety here.
Once submitted, the form will be reviewed by Research Safety representatives who will confirm receipt and contact the listed PI/Lab Supervisor if more information is necessary to conduct a risk assessment.

Please note: Research Safety cannot conduct a complete review and risk assessment without all necessary information. Therefore, incomplete submissions will not receive approval before all relevant information has been documented by the Department of Research Safety. Once review is complete, any further requirements have been addressed, and online training has been completed, an approval memo will be sent to the listed PI/Lab Supervisor.

After Approval is issued and the student is on site:

5) Once on site, minors working in research laboratories or animal facilities must be provided laboratory-specific training by the hosting PI/Lab Supervisor, which includes safe performance of lab work, as well as instructions for response in emergencies, including UK Fire and Emergency policies and evacuation procedures. Minors shall not be responsible for extinguishing a fire. Information shall primarily focus on personal safety and notification via 911. This information shall include how/when to activate fire alarms, evacuation routes, and detection of natural gas or relevant hazardous chemical odors. A checklist to use for Lab-Specific Training is available online here. Once this training is provided and signed, it shall be maintained in the laboratory safety manual/chemical hygiene plan. Once this training is provided and signed by the minor as understood, it shall be maintained in the laboratory’s safety manual/chemical hygiene plan.

Submissions with incomplete information

If requested information is not provided within 30 days of the initial Research Safety notification and information request, an email will be sent to the minor student, student’s guardian, and school program administration so that the minor student can find a suitable placement elsewhere for safe and timely completion of their project. The initial PI/Lab Supervisor will receive notification of the withdrawal of the submission and the denial of approval to host a minor student in their laboratory. This notice will be kept on file by the Department of Research Safety and a copy will be sent to the chair of the laboratory’s department to ensure compliance with this policy.


Any questions or concerns regarding this policy or process may be directed to the Director of Research Safety, Brandy Nelson at or (859) 257-1049.